One slightly chilly morning, the plucky Tortoise awoke with a jolt. Today was the day.. The day he gets to walk down Main Street. Don’t worry, this isn’t a Disney song. This is to help a family on their property journey.
The 4k photography had been completed, the 4k property video was prepared and the virtual tour was loved by the vendors, who were excited to watch the launch of their property.
“Five, four, three, two, one..”. Said the Tortoise, counting down til pushing the launch button to put the property live on Rightmove, their website & all over social media.
No sooner had the property launched, viewing slots started getting booked by savvy first time buyers looking to begin their very own property stories.
“This is starting to feel like the Sevenacre house all over again”
said the Tortoise. “I’m so excited to meet so many new people.”
With 32 viewing requests made and 10 viewings booked for a single day, the Tortoise was keen to give the vendors the positive news!
Then the day of the viewings came and the Tortoise took absolute delight in seeing the faces of different families light up as the property was just as magical in person as it was on the virtual tour.
The day flew by, with new faces every 15 minutes, each with an exciting story of their own and how the house on Main Street was what they had been searching for.
With 10 viewings completed on the Saturday and 7 offers received over the following few days, one of which was an offer from the virtual tour alone, this meant seven families wanted to call the house on Main Street “home”, but the Tortoise knows.. Only one will make this their dream home.
By Friday the Tortoise could rest easy that night knowing that by making sure the property was priced properly, that it looked it’s absolute best, that by accompanying the viewings and negotiating transparently they had managed to get the current owners of the property on Main Street 113% of their asking price for their home, making them very happy.
That doesn’t mean the stories of the other families will end there, oh no… The trusty Tortoise made friends with members of the other families too, by keeping in touch and offering them as much help as possible, the Tortoise knew he could help them to find a magical place to call home.
It just goes to show.. With a trusty Tortoise, good friends and a little bit of magic, dreams really can come true..