Organic Marketing

Hello everyone, I’m Sam. I’m new to Tortoise Property and Estate Agency. I have a BA Honours Degree in Marketing from Sheffield Hallam University and wanted to find somewhere that I can put that to use, which is why I’ve ended up here! 

This blog will be a weekly series of me recounting my experiences, explaining why great marketing is so powerful when selling your home and the exciting plans I have for the future of marketing in Estate Agency. I believe this will be beneficial to me as I write down everything I do and hopefully will be to you also, as I do my best to explain Tortoise Property, convey our difference and answer any estate agency questions that anyone may have.

Welcome to Episode 6! 

This one is the finale of this mini series of recent blogs which look at the individual sections of our Phased Marketing Model. Today we’re taking a look at the organic marketing section. Here we go! 

What is it? 

Throughout these recent blogs we’ve explored various areas of our marketing. The difference here is that organic marketing isn’t intended just for the end user (a buyer) it’s there for everyone to see. The aim is to supplement all of our other marketing of your home by posting it across our social media platforms, community based groups and local property groups to showcase your home to the different types of followers on different platforms. We understand the power of a community based network and how our marketing can be shared between families, friends and work colleagues. There is nothing like a personal recommendation, especially from someone that you trust!

How do we present it? 

Let me give you an example of the type of things I mean. 

We use photos, videos, virtual tours, property quizzes, market data and area information all brought together with good ad copy to showcase your homes at their best. We post these across our social media platforms which are Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook for our follower base to engage with and share. 

Below is an example of why we do this across our social media platforms. This specific image is from our Facebook page.  Also make sure to follow our socials if you aren’t already! *Follow Us*

Why do we use it? 

We understand that sharing is a huge part of social media. How many times has a friend or family member sent you something or tagged you in something they think is funny, useful or insightful? It happens to me all the time! 

This is what organic marketing is about. We want to give people the chance to say to each other, “Hey, did you see this?” 

For example, if you know someone who is looking for a new home and you see one come up that looks like it could be perfect for them – you send it to them, right? Or perhaps you’re close to someone that has worked with us before; maybe they’ve rented with us previously, been a landlord we’ve worked with or sold their home with us and really liked how we did it. They may recommend that you reach out to us. That’s the reason we do this. It’s a more collaborative type of marketing which can prove much more impactful due to coming as a recommendation from someone you’re close to and trust. 

To Conclude… 

Another short one! Nevertheless, thanks for taking the time to read this blog!

Looking for some next steps? These links could be useful:

If you have any questions or topics you would like to see me discuss in the future, then please do get in touch. I’m more than happy to connect with marketers, whether you work in my industry or not, as well as industry experts who I myself could learn from. You can connect with me on LinkedIn here.

Thanks again, and I look forward to connecting.