Tailored Marketing – Through our phased marketing model

Hello everyone, I’m Sam. I’m new to Tortoise Property and Estate Agency. I have a BA Honours Degree in Marketing from Sheffield Hallam University and wanted to find somewhere that I can put that to use, which is why I’ve ended up here! 

This blog will be a weekly series of me recounting my experiences, explaining why great marketing is so powerful when selling your home and the exciting plans I have for the future of marketing in Estate Agency. I believe this will be beneficial to me as I write down everything I do and hopefully will be to you also, as I do my best to explain Tortoise Property, convey our difference and answer any estate agency questions that anyone may have. 

Welcome to Episode 5! 

Continuing on with the theme of my recent blogs, today we’re taking a look at the tailored marketing section of our Phased Marketing Model. Let’s get started. 

What is it?

I’d completely understand if you were confused about the difference between our structured marketing and our tailored marketing. We gain an awful lot of information through our structured ads and therefore develop a much more detailed understanding of the most likely buyer for your home as they provide a huge amount of data and feedback. We’re then able to tailor our ads further towards your most likely buyer through a variety of formats. For example, building a location based ad where we highlight the lifestyle a buyer would live or a buying quiz ad where we get buyers to think about what they want and do not want from a new home. Or perhaps we know your ideal buyer lies on a specific platform, i.e Pinterest, TikTok or Instagram due to their interest, age or hobbies. Therefore, we build a marketing ad specific to the type of media that they enjoy watching. For example an Instagram reel, or a Facebook quiz ad, both of which are shown below. 

So wait… why do we do them? 

Whilst we do try to make our structured advertising as good as possible, there may still be some areas where we can be even more specific to a type of prospective buyer beyond the different types of targeted ad copy that we use in our structured marketing.  

This is where we introduce our tailored marketing! From our structured marketing analytics, we determine the niche markets of prospective buyers that we think will produce your buyer and produce an ad that is specific to this group of people.

This can be done on a certain platform (Instagram, Linked-in or Pinterest for example) or through a specific ad type, such as a video, quiz or virtual tour. It enables us write detailed ad copy to a specific group, like investor groups or location based ads to encourage families to relocate to Peterborough from a city with a higher cost of living.

These ads are run in addition to our existing structured marketing ads to give our clients the best chance of reaching the buyer who is most likely to place an offer on your home home. 

Finally, it’s important to note that these ads (as well as the structured marketing ads) are still intended for the end user; effectively the person that is going to purchase your home. Next week I will discuss our organic posts that are for everyone. We’ll talk more about that soon! 

To Conclude… 

Short one this week! Nevertheless, thanks for taking the time to read this blog!

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog!

Looking for some next steps? These links could be useful:

If you have any questions or topics you would like to see me discuss in the future, then please do get in touch. I’m more than happy to connect with marketers, whether you work in my industry or not, as well as industry experts who I myself could learn from. You can connect with me on LinkedIn here.

Thanks again, and I look forward to connecting.