And they’re off……….The new season has started with the Hampton Walking football team racing out of the stalls with two wins from the first two games.
After a busy pre-season we welcome many new additions to the ever growing ‘over aged, over experienced and over the hill’ team.
So we welcome:
Richard Talby – a silky skilled baller who advised the medical team he needs two new hips.
Andrew Alison – A defender that comes with the subtle temperament of Martin Keown.
Andrew Frost – A winger turned striker, as we only have four on field players, who showed great awareness, touch and suave wearing sunglasses throughout both games. Pretty sure Ginola would have done the same if allowed!
We have other new signings still to announce going through a strenuous medical process as we move people away from walkers, oxygen masks and personal carers.
So we turned up at the Nene Valley Community Centre to face our old foes and nemesis side from last season, Huntingdon A. With a changed side from last year and some new players, Huntingdon was not as experienced as they once were and with two goals from Andrew ‘knocked knees’ Hovey, two goals from Mark Ansell-Crook and two from Richard ‘the hips’ Talby we were in dreamland. Then out of nowhere Darren ‘have it’ Taylor bent in the best of the seven scored with a beautiful curling shot into the far left hand corner. A thrilling 7-2 win.
We moved onto the second…. No we didn’t. Myself and the ‘Cat’ had a bacon roll and a cup of tea before moving onto the second game against Whittlesey.
I mention Matthew ‘the Cat’ Bliszczak who has once again gallantly volunteered to have the opposition smash balls at him on a regular basis whilst playing in goal.
With the second game being much tighter a hat trick from Richard ‘it’s my ball’ Talby and another from Andy ‘my knees are still grinding’ Hovey secured a 4-2 victory after two great finger tip saves by the ’Cat’.
So once again Tortoise Property start our goals for charity sponsorship with the Hampton Walking Football team. With £10 a goal being donated, together we are looking to hit our target of £540.00 for a second year running.
Last year three payments were made to the Circles Network Charity, Sue Ryder and Shine, all charities that deserve support for the great work and support they give to our community.
If you are interested in playing walking football please feel free to come down to Beaumont Way in Hampton at 7pm on a Monday Night. All you need is £2 for subs and a body like Cristiano Ronaldo!
Until next time, your sports correspondent.
Dickie Davis