When I first think of cadbury creme eggs, that one slogan comes to mind without fail. “how do you eat yours?”. How does this relate to property I hear you ask?
Let me explain:
I spoke with a prospective client about their decision making process when it came to looking to sell their properties.
“We’ve been browsing on Rightmove, as you do,”
she said “and I couldn’t help but notice the large difference between agents
in terms of what they do to help sell a property. Some do HD photos, some don’t, some do property videos, some don’t.”
I couldn’t help but reply, “I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want to do as much as you possibly could when you want to
I went on to explain all about what we do as standard as part of our fee.
show your property at it’s best.”
After arranging a catch up call for the following week, it got me thinking.. When it comes to your property, I ask you out there as a home owner, “how do you launch yours?”
With a floor plan?
With a video?
With great photography?
With a detailed description?
With a virtual tour?
Here at Tortoise, we’re all about giving you not just the kitchen sink.. But the entire kitchen! 4k HDR photography, 4k HDR
property videos, 4k HDR Immersive Virtual Tours, Premium & Featured listings on Rightmove, Premium social media and Google
advertising… All in the name of a strong property launch experience.
You never get a second chance at a first impression, so why would any property marketing & sales specialist agency (also known as an estate agent) not do the very best for your property at launch…as standard?
You rightfully should expect the best…
So I ask you again, “how do you launch yours?”
Donovan Bell
Online Services Manager