When choosing to sell your property you usually go with agent you have most confidence in. Several months down the line if your property isn’t sold or you are dissatisfied with the numbers of viewings or amount of interest you may think about changing agent, this is quite normal. It is usual for an agency with a lot of stock on it’s books to only sell 50% – 60% of its instructions.
When you think about changing agent do your research as many agents operate in the same way. This time of year things are a little quieter in the property market due to summer holidays – this is what the market has always told us but here at Tortoise we aren’t like other agents and we do things differently.
When we take on a property to market we build the foundations properly to ensure a proper description is written, professional photographs are taken to our standard,a professional virtual tour video is produced along with floor plans.
Once these have been produced we agree a 12 week marketing plan with you and set to work re-launching your property via the property portals of Rightmove, Zoopla and Prime Location but also, and more importantly we hit our social media channels with your property.
When relaunching with Rightmove, it is very important that the photography looks and feels different. This means that the quality of the photography needs to be to a high standard whilst also showing the property in a different light. After being marketed for many weeks it is important that the property at relaunch becomes visible to the marketplace once more. To do this, premium listings will enhance click through rates by 30% – 40% whilst featured property listings will pin the property to the search results.
On Zoopla, video content is prioritised for visibility, therefore professional video tours, once again enhances the click through rates of the property. These enhancements to the portals will entice buyers that previously have dis-counted a property while also placing itself in a prime position to new buyers to the market.
Many purchasers do not subscribe to the portals property alert systems, therefore it’s important to use social media channels to place properties for sale in front of purchasers on a daily basis. Once again it’s important to use both video tours and photography to showcase the best of each property. Facebook allows for optimum exposure to thousands of potential buyers from the comfort of their living rooms. Targeted ad campaigns then mean that the right kind of buyer is found to match each property. When potential buyers are viewing mediums like Rightmove or Zoopla and then head over to their favourite social media they’ll be met with properties that will be just what they are looking for.
Just because it is summer don’t underestimate that there are still keen buyers out there looking to bag a good deal. Some people delay putting their homes for sale during this period and that means there is less stock to sell. At this time actively marketing your property will mean it has less competition and potentially a better chance of quick sale.
During these months’ market exposure is key to take advantage of the opportunities presented by summer. Viewing a house during the summer months is wonderful as buyers get to see the lifestyle they will have relaxing in your garden, socialising with family and friends and the atmosphere of the surrounding areas.
If you are thinking of re-launching your home, don’t wait until September as with the right market exposure you could be SOLD STC! Contact our team on 01733 592020 and take a look at how the 12 Marketing Plan could work for you.