It’s time to call out some ‘slim shady’ tactics as the great Eminem sung about! Yes the great tricks of estate agency.
Trick NO. 2 – Don’t sign and lock yourself in. No commitment contracts is the new relationship model.
Voicemail for Dave. Press 1 to hear your message. BEEP
Dave, great to chat the other day! You said that you were seeing another agent after me. Well, remember not to sign anything that ties you in for any period of time. I mean, why make a commitment? Who does that nowadays? If you work with me, you can leave me at any point! Don’t worry though, I’m all in!
Oh, and remember: no fee, no sale! Oops, sorry, I mean no sale, no fee!
Can’t wait to get started! BEEP
Oh, Dave, really? There’s a reason marriages last longer than people who cohabitate. It’s the win/win solution, the power balance thing, the confidence to invest in each other thing, the trust thing.
A contract that has no commitment of time means one thing! You want a quick sale! That’s great, but do you also want to sell for a good price? Do you want the commitment of your agent, their investment in your sale. Their interest in your move?
My Tip NO.2 – Contracts and Marketing plans
Let’s remember, Dave, you are selling the most expensive item you have probably ever owned! There is only disappointment if you do not achieve a price that you believe is right and lose the most important commodity in life: TIME.
So here’s my thoughts, Dave:
Commit to a timeframe – we can then set a marketing budget, timeframe and manage our costs
If it’s 6 weeks – let’s front load the structured marketing.
If it’s 12 weeks – the tailored and organic marketing will have time to work its magic.
If it’s 18 weeks – the time allows for all three to reach local, regional, and national networks.
So have a marketing plan – else agents will protect their spend, rely on the basics of Rightmove, a few Facebook videos, price reductions and hope!
If you want to learn more, check out our ‘Race to SOLD!’ Blog.
So, Dave, let’s make sure we are committed, lay our cards on the table, and partner up. And sing along with me:
“I’m Slim Shady, yes, I’m the real Shady
All you other Slick Salesys are just so cagey
So won’t the real Slick Salesys please ‘fess up,
Please ‘fess up, please ‘fess up?”
Mike Matthews @TortoiseProperty
Recognised in the Best Agents Guide as one of the best 20% of estate agents in the UK 2019,2020,2021,2022,2023
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