Can you teach me patience, quickly? A blog for young estate agents.

I was once asked by a friend, Mike your a patient guy can you teach me patience, quickly?

So what is patience and what does this have to do with young estate agents? Well I believe quite a lot. As an industry we do not show enough patient with young people and young people are impatient for success, sometimes to the detriment of happiness.

How do I know this you may ask. I just reflect on my own journey through this industry and see some of my biggest mistakes reflected in others.

So where do I start?

OK let’s start with young employees. We do not currently attract young people with a high degree of qualifications. Young adults do not go to university to become an estate agent and rarely to become a property manager. This is a shame as we have jobs that lead to careers, the ability for young adults to work themselves through an organisation without the glass ceilings seen in many industries. The chance to be employed, self employed, to work in sales, compliance, finance, marketing, operational management.

The world is literally your oyster as in nearly every part of our planet you can be an estate agent, post covid.

The main thing that will allow you as a young estate agent to experience this choice of work in any location in the world is patience.

Be patient and give yourself the opportunity to learn

Be patient and give yourself the time to build experience

Be patient and give yourself the chance to make mistakes

Be patient and give yourself the space to grow

Be patient and give yourself the advantage of building confidence

Be patient and give yourself the challenge of succeeding

Be patient and give yourself the scope to develop

For employers, if you want young people to succeed and benefit from your investment in them:

Be patient and give them the opportunity to learn

Be patient and give them the time to build experience

Be patient and give them the chance to make mistakes

Be patient and give them the space to grow

Be patient and give them the advantage of building confidence

Be patient and give them the challenge of succeeding

Be patient and give them the scope to develop

I wrote a blog a few weeks back called “it’s a young mans game” where I wrote about how experience has a place in our industry however deep down I believe our industry should be dominated by young people. We need to attract them and be patient with them.

So, this three minute read is about the best I can do to teach patience quickly. How did I do?

Mike Matthews

Tortoise Property

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